Payment FAQs

Beware of fake pages and ads that are trying to defraud customers, by impersonating Aone Glass and Crockery Store customer care executives. We never ask for any payment or bank account information for any customer care services. Kindly note that our details are available on and our authorized customer service contact number is only 8954065080.

This information is being published in the public interest and the company is not liable or responsible for any other transactions other than those with us and is taking steps as advised in law.

What are the payment options available on Website?

We accept all major credit cards (American Express, MasterCard, Visa, Diners Club, and JCB cards), debit cards issued by over 50 banks, and Internet Banking options with over 45 banks in India. We also accept UPI & wallet payments.

To pay using your credit/debit card at checkout, you will need your card number, expiry date, and three-digit CVV number (found on the back of your card). After entering these details, you will be redirected to the bank’s page for entering the online 3D Secure password.

How safe is it to use my credit card on the website?

Your online transaction on MyBorosil is secure with the highest transaction security currently available on the Internet. We use 256-bit encryption technology to protect your card information while securely transmitting it to the respective banks for payment processing. We do not store your information on our servers.

What happens if my transaction fails and my card/account is not charged?

If your card/account is not charged, you can safely retry your payment – we will not double charge you.

Why am I being asked to enter a 3D Secure Password?

The 3D Secure password is implemented by VISA and MasterCard in partnership with card issuing banks under the “Verified by VISA” and “Mastercard SecureCode” services, respectively

The 3D Secure password adds an additional layer of security through identity verification for your online credit/debit card transactions. This password, which you create, is known only to you. This ensures that only you can use your card for online purchases.

How can I get the 3D secure password for my credit/debit card?

You can register for the 3D Secure password for your credit/debit card by visiting your bank’s website.

I have not received my order acknowledgment or dispatch notification email.

Please ensure that the email address on your order is correct and that the email has not been directed to a spam folder. Please contact us at or call us at 8954065080 (10.00 am to 6.00 pm) to notify us about the same.

Rewards & Referral Program

By becoming an Aone Glass and Crockery Store Rewards member, you (individually and collectively, “you,” “your,” or “Member”), agree that you have read, understood, and agreed to be bound by these Terms and Conditions of Participation (“Program Terms”) and by any changes or modifications we may make. You should review these Terms, related policies, and FAQs frequently to understand the terms & conditions that apply to the Program as they may change from time to time. These Terms do not alter in any way the terms or conditions of any other agreement you may have with us, including any agreement for products or services. By enrolling in the Program, you also agree to be bound by our Privacy Policy and our website Terms & Conditions, which are incorporated herein by reference. If you do not agree to these Terms, our Privacy Policy, and our website Terms & Conditions, you cannot participate in the Program.